Computer Set-up / Maintenance and Operations

... Learning for a new exciting life changing job!

Course Outline

Given Online and On Campus

480 hours - 18 Weeks

     (Equipment Required for Enrollment in the Program)


Occupational Objective

This program is designed to equip students with proficiency in Computer Maintenance and Repair. The goal of this course is to provide a thorough, step-by-step process for learning the fundamentals of supporting and troubleshooting computer hardware. This course covers a wide range of material about operating systems, from using the different Windows operating systems to demonstrating how the boot process works, as well as installing, supporting, and troubleshooting the different hardware and Windows operating systems. Other topics include supporting hard drives from a software point of view, supporting and troubleshooting Windows on networks and the Internet, and an introduction to the Linux and Mac OS operating systems. The final topic addresses issues related to notebook computers. The course takes a hands-on approach to learning the steps to installing, troubleshooting and supporting the most common hardware and operating systems in use on the personal computer. In addition to explaining concepts, the course uses a multitude of real world examples of problems and issues related to operating systems, making it a practical preparation for the real world.

As a graduate of this program you'll be prepared to perform diagnostic test and fix computers and laptops. Also maintain and upgrade computer






Environment of Windows 11

Microsoft Features





Microsoft Word 

Microsoft OneNote





Microsoft Excel





Microsoft  PowerPoint 

Microsoft Outlook





Introduction to a Typical PC Operating System





Mother Boards / Central Processing Unit (CPU)





Power Supplies / Memory





Input Devices / Video and Audio Systems       





Magnetic and Solid State Storage Devices/

  Optical Storage Technology       





Printers / Laptops and Mobile Devices      





Modems ad Transceivers / Physical and Digital security    





PC Troubleshooting / Introduction to Networking       





Network Administration / Wide Area Network (WAN)      





Small Office / Home Office Networking       





Customer Support, Communication and Professionalism       





Employment and Advance Education / Final Exam      



Total Clock Hours                           480 Hours 

Schedule: Monday – Friday

9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.


Monday – Thursday

6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.